Stanford CoreNLP XML Output


Sentence #1

Id Word Lemma Char begin Char end POS NER Normalized NER
1 Julia Julia 0 5 NNP PERSON
2 Eileen Eileen 6 12 NNP PERSON
3 Gillard Gillard 13 20 NNP PERSON
4 -LRB- -lrb- 21 22 -LRB- O
5 born bear 22 26 VBN O
6 29 29 27 29 CD DATE 1961-09-29
7 September September 30 39 NNP DATE 1961-09-29
8 1961 1961 40 44 CD DATE 1961-09-29
9 -RRB- -rrb- 44 45 -RRB- O
10 is be 46 48 VBZ O
11 an a 49 51 DT O
12 Australian australian 52 62 JJ MISC
13 politician politician 63 73 NN O
14 who who 74 77 WP O
15 was be 78 81 VBD O
16 the the 82 85 DT O
17 Prime Prime 86 91 NNP O
18 Minister Minister 92 100 NNP O
19 of of 101 103 IN O
20 Australia Australia 104 113 NNP LOCATION
21 and and 114 117 CC O
22 Leader Leader 118 124 NNP O
23 of of 125 127 IN O
24 the the 128 131 DT O
25 Labor Labor 132 137 NNP ORGANIZATION
26 Party Party 138 143 NNP ORGANIZATION
27 from from 144 148 IN O
28 2010 2010 149 153 CD DATE 2010/2013
29 to to 154 156 TO DATE 2010/2013
30 2013 2013 157 161 CD DATE 2010/2013
31 . . 161 162 . O

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        Sentence #2

        Id Word Lemma Char begin Char end POS NER Normalized NER
        1 She she 163 166 PRP O
        2 was be 167 170 VBD O
        3 the the 171 174 DT O
        4 first first 175 180 JJ ORDINAL 1.0
        5 woman woman 181 186 NN O
        6 to to 187 189 TO O
        7 hold hold 190 194 VB O
        8 either either 195 201 CC O
        9 position position 202 210 NN O
        10 . . 210 211 . O

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              Sentence #3

              Id Word Lemma Char begin Char end POS NER Normalized NER
              1 Gillard Gillard 213 220 NNP PERSON
              2 was be 221 224 VBD O
              3 born bear 225 229 VBN O
              4 in in 230 232 IN O
              5 Barry Barry 233 238 NNP LOCATION
              6 , , 238 239 , O
              7 Wales Wales 240 245 NNP LOCATION
              8 , , 245 246 , O
              9 and and 247 250 CC O
              10 migrated migrate 251 259 VBD O
              11 with with 260 264 IN O
              12 her she 265 268 PRP$ O
              13 family family 269 275 NN O
              14 to to 276 278 TO O
              15 Adelaide Adelaide 279 287 NNP LOCATION
              16 , , 287 288 , O
              17 South South 289 294 NNP LOCATION
              18 Australia Australia 295 304 NNP LOCATION
              19 , , 304 305 , O
              20 in in 306 308 IN O
              21 1966 1966 309 313 CD DATE 1966
              22 , , 313 314 , O
              23 attending attend 315 324 VBG O
              24 Mitcham Mitcham 325 332 NNP ORGANIZATION
              25 Demonstration demonstration 333 346 NN ORGANIZATION
              26 School School 347 353 NNP ORGANIZATION
              27 and and 354 357 CC O
              28 Unley Unley 358 363 NNP ORGANIZATION
              29 High High 364 368 NNP ORGANIZATION
              30 School School 369 375 NNP ORGANIZATION
              31 . . 375 376 . O

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                    Sentence #4

                    Id Word Lemma Char begin Char end POS NER Normalized NER
                    1 In in 377 379 IN O
                    2 1982 1982 380 384 CD DATE 1982
                    3 , , 384 385 , O
                    4 she she 386 389 PRP O
                    5 moved move 390 395 VBD O
                    6 to to 396 398 TO O
                    7 Melbourne Melbourne 399 408 NNP LOCATION
                    8 , , 408 409 , O
                    9 Victoria Victoria 410 418 NNP LOCATION
                    10 . . 418 419 . O

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                          Sentence #5

                          Id Word Lemma Char begin Char end POS NER Normalized NER
                          1 She she 420 423 PRP O
                          2 graduated graduate 424 433 VBD O
                          3 from from 434 438 IN O
                          4 the the 439 442 DT O
                          5 University University 443 453 NNP ORGANIZATION
                          6 of of 454 456 IN ORGANIZATION
                          7 Melbourne Melbourne 457 466 NNP ORGANIZATION
                          8 with with 467 471 IN O
                          9 a a 472 473 DT O
                          10 Bachelor bachelor 474 482 NN DEGREE
                          11 of of 483 485 IN DEGREE
                          12 Arts art 486 490 NNS DEGREE
                          13 and and 491 494 CC O
                          14 a a 495 496 DT O
                          15 Bachelor bachelor 497 505 NN DEGREE
                          16 of of 506 508 IN DEGREE
                          17 Laws law 509 513 NNS DEGREE
                          18 in in 514 516 IN O
                          19 1986 1986 517 521 CD DATE 1986
                          20 . . 521 522 . O

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                                Sentence #6

                                Id Word Lemma Char begin Char end POS NER Normalized NER
                                1 In in 523 525 IN O
                                2 1987 1987 526 530 CD DATE 1987
                                3 , , 530 531 , O
                                4 Gillard Gillard 532 539 NNP PERSON
                                5 joined join 540 546 VBD O
                                6 the the 547 550 DT O
                                7 law law 551 554 NN O
                                8 firm firm 555 559 NN O
                                9 Slater Slater 560 566 NNP ORGANIZATION
                                10 & & 567 568 CC ORGANIZATION
                                11 Gordon Gordon 569 575 NNP ORGANIZATION
                                12 , , 575 576 , O
                                13 specialising specialise 577 589 VBG O
                                14 in in 590 592 IN O
                                15 industrial industrial 593 603 JJ O
                                16 law law 604 607 NN O
                                17 , , 607 608 , O
                                18 before before 609 615 IN O
                                19 entering enter 616 624 VBG O
                                20 politics politics 625 633 NNS O
                                21 . . 633 634 . O

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                                      Sentence #7

                                      Id Word Lemma Char begin Char end POS NER Normalized NER
                                      1 Gillard Gillard 636 643 NNP PERSON
                                      2 was be 644 647 VBD O
                                      3 first first 648 653 JJ ORDINAL 1.0
                                      4 elected elect 654 661 VBN O
                                      5 to to 662 664 TO O
                                      6 the the 665 668 DT O
                                      7 House House 669 674 NNP ORGANIZATION
                                      8 of of 675 677 IN ORGANIZATION
                                      9 Representatives Representatives 678 693 NNPS ORGANIZATION
                                      10 at at 694 696 IN O
                                      11 the the 697 700 DT O
                                      12 1998 1998 701 705 CD DATE 1998
                                      13 federal federal 706 713 JJ O
                                      14 election election 714 722 NN O
                                      15 for for 723 726 IN O
                                      16 the the 727 730 DT O
                                      17 seat seat 731 735 NN O
                                      18 of of 736 738 IN O
                                      19 Lalor Lalor 739 744 NNP LOCATION
                                      20 , , 744 745 , O
                                      21 Victoria Victoria 746 754 NNP LOCATION
                                      22 . . 754 755 . O

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                                            Sentence #8

                                            Id Word Lemma Char begin Char end POS NER Normalized NER
                                            1 Following follow 756 765 VBG O
                                            2 the the 766 769 DT O
                                            3 2001 2001 770 774 CD DATE 2001
                                            4 federal federal 775 782 JJ O
                                            5 election election 783 791 NN O
                                            6 , , 791 792 , O
                                            7 she she 793 796 PRP O
                                            8 was be 797 800 VBD O
                                            9 elected elect 801 808 VBN O
                                            10 to to 809 811 TO O
                                            11 the the 812 815 DT O
                                            12 Shadow Shadow 816 822 NNP O
                                            13 Cabinet Cabinet 823 830 NNP O
                                            14 and and 831 834 CC O
                                            15 was be 835 838 VBD O
                                            16 given give 839 844 VBN O
                                            17 the the 845 848 DT O
                                            18 portfolio portfolio 849 858 NN O
                                            19 of of 859 861 IN O
                                            20 Population Population 862 872 NNP O
                                            21 and and 873 876 CC O
                                            22 Immigration Immigration 877 888 NNP O
                                            23 . . 888 889 . O

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                                                  Sentence #9

                                                  Id Word Lemma Char begin Char end POS NER Normalized NER
                                                  1 In in 890 892 IN O
                                                  2 2003 2003 893 897 CD DATE 2003
                                                  3 , , 897 898 , O
                                                  4 she she 899 902 PRP O
                                                  5 took take 903 907 VBD O
                                                  6 on on 908 910 RP O
                                                  7 responsibility responsibility 911 925 NN O
                                                  8 for for 926 929 IN O
                                                  9 both both 930 934 DT O
                                                  10 Reconciliation Reconciliation 935 949 NNP O
                                                  11 and and 950 953 CC O
                                                  12 Indigenous Indigenous 954 964 NNP O
                                                  13 Affairs Affairs 965 972 NNPS O
                                                  14 and and 973 976 CC O
                                                  15 Health Health 977 983 NNP O
                                                  16 . . 983 984 . O

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                                                        Sentence #10

                                                        Id Word Lemma Char begin Char end POS NER Normalized NER
                                                        1 In in 985 987 IN O
                                                        2 December December 988 996 NNP DATE 2006-12
                                                        3 2006 2006 997 1001 CD DATE 2006-12
                                                        4 , , 1001 1002 , O
                                                        5 when when 1003 1007 WRB O
                                                        6 Kevin Kevin 1008 1013 NNP PERSON
                                                        7 Rudd Rudd 1014 1018 NNP PERSON
                                                        8 was be 1019 1022 VBD O
                                                        9 elected elect 1023 1030 VBN O
                                                        10 as as 1031 1033 IN O
                                                        11 Labor Labor 1034 1039 NNP ORGANIZATION
                                                        12 Leader Leader 1040 1046 NNP O
                                                        13 and and 1047 1050 CC O
                                                        14 became become 1051 1057 VBD O
                                                        15 Leader Leader 1058 1064 NNP O
                                                        16 of of 1065 1067 IN O
                                                        17 the the 1068 1071 DT O
                                                        18 Opposition Opposition 1072 1082 NNP O
                                                        19 , , 1082 1083 , O
                                                        20 Gillard Gillard 1084 1091 NNP PERSON
                                                        21 was be 1092 1095 VBD O
                                                        22 elected elect 1096 1103 VBN O
                                                        23 unopposed unopposed 1104 1113 RB O
                                                        24 as as 1114 1116 IN O
                                                        25 his he 1117 1120 PRP$ O
                                                        26 deputy deputy 1121 1127 NN O
                                                        27 . . 1127 1128 . O

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                                                              Sentence #11

                                                              Id Word Lemma Char begin Char end POS NER Normalized NER
                                                              1 Gillard Gillard 1130 1137 NNP PERSON
                                                              2 became become 1138 1144 VBD O
                                                              3 the the 1145 1148 DT O
                                                              4 first first 1149 1154 JJ ORDINAL 1.0
                                                              5 female female 1155 1161 JJ O
                                                              6 Deputy Deputy 1162 1168 NNP O
                                                              7 Prime Prime 1169 1174 NNP O
                                                              8 Minister Minister 1175 1183 NNP O
                                                              9 of of 1184 1186 IN O
                                                              10 Australia Australia 1187 1196 NNP LOCATION
                                                              11 upon upon 1197 1201 IN O
                                                              12 Labor Labor 1202 1207 NNP ORGANIZATION
                                                              13 's 's 1207 1209 POS O
                                                              14 victory victory 1210 1217 NN O
                                                              15 in in 1218 1220 IN O
                                                              16 the the 1221 1224 DT O
                                                              17 2007 2007 1225 1229 CD DATE 2007
                                                              18 federal federal 1230 1237 JJ O
                                                              19 election election 1238 1246 NN O
                                                              20 , , 1246 1247 , O
                                                              21 also also 1248 1252 RB O
                                                              22 serving serve 1253 1260 VBG O
                                                              23 as as 1261 1263 IN O
                                                              24 Minister Minister 1264 1272 NNP O
                                                              25 for for 1273 1276 IN O
                                                              26 Education Education 1277 1286 NNP O
                                                              27 , , 1286 1287 , O
                                                              28 Minister Minister 1288 1296 NNP O
                                                              29 for for 1297 1300 IN O
                                                              30 Employment Employment 1301 1311 NNP O
                                                              31 and and 1312 1315 CC O
                                                              32 Workplace Workplace 1316 1325 NNP O
                                                              33 Relations Relations 1326 1335 NNPS O
                                                              34 and and 1336 1339 CC O
                                                              35 Minister Minister 1340 1348 NNP O
                                                              36 for for 1349 1352 IN O
                                                              37 Social Social 1353 1359 NNP MISC
                                                              38 Inclusion Inclusion 1360 1369 NNP MISC
                                                              39 . . 1369 1370 . O

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                                                                    Sentence #12

                                                                    Id Word Lemma Char begin Char end POS NER Normalized NER
                                                                    1 On on 1371 1373 IN O
                                                                    2 24 24 1374 1376 CD DATE 2010-06-24
                                                                    3 June June 1377 1381 NNP DATE 2010-06-24
                                                                    4 2010 2010 1382 1386 CD DATE 2010-06-24
                                                                    5 , , 1386 1387 , O
                                                                    6 after after 1388 1393 IN O
                                                                    7 Rudd Rudd 1394 1398 NNP PERSON
                                                                    8 lost lose 1399 1403 VBD O
                                                                    9 the the 1404 1407 DT O
                                                                    10 support support 1408 1415 NN O
                                                                    11 of of 1416 1418 IN O
                                                                    12 his he 1419 1422 PRP$ O
                                                                    13 party party 1423 1428 NN O
                                                                    14 and and 1429 1432 CC O
                                                                    15 resigned resign 1433 1441 VBD O
                                                                    16 , , 1441 1442 , O
                                                                    17 Gillard Gillard 1443 1450 NNP PERSON
                                                                    18 was be 1451 1454 VBD O
                                                                    19 elected elect 1455 1462 VBN O
                                                                    20 unopposed unopposed 1463 1472 RB O
                                                                    21 as as 1473 1475 IN O
                                                                    22 the the 1476 1479 DT O
                                                                    23 Leader Leader 1480 1486 NNP O
                                                                    24 of of 1487 1489 IN O
                                                                    25 the the 1490 1493 DT O
                                                                    26 Labor Labor 1494 1499 NNP ORGANIZATION
                                                                    27 Party Party 1500 1505 NNP ORGANIZATION
                                                                    28 , , 1505 1506 , O
                                                                    29 thus thus 1507 1511 RB O
                                                                    30 becoming become 1512 1520 VBG O
                                                                    31 the the 1521 1524 DT O
                                                                    32 27th 27th 1525 1529 JJ ORDINAL 27.0
                                                                    33 Prime Prime 1530 1535 NNP O
                                                                    34 Minister Minister 1536 1544 NNP O
                                                                    35 of of 1545 1547 IN O
                                                                    36 Australia Australia 1548 1557 NNP LOCATION
                                                                    37 . . 1557 1558 . O

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                                                                          Sentence #13

                                                                          Id Word Lemma Char begin Char end POS NER Normalized NER
                                                                          1 The the 1559 1562 DT O
                                                                          2 subsequent subsequent 1563 1573 JJ O
                                                                          3 2010 2010 1574 1578 CD DATE 2010
                                                                          4 federal federal 1579 1586 JJ O
                                                                          5 election election 1587 1595 NN O
                                                                          6 saw see 1596 1599 VBD O
                                                                          7 the the 1600 1603 DT O
                                                                          8 first first 1604 1609 JJ ORDINAL 1.0
                                                                          9 hung hung 1610 1614 JJ O
                                                                          10 parliament parliament 1615 1625 NN O
                                                                          11 since since 1626 1631 IN O
                                                                          12 the the 1632 1635 DT O
                                                                          13 1940 1940 1636 1640 CD DATE 1940
                                                                          14 federal federal 1641 1648 JJ O
                                                                          15 election election 1649 1657 NN O
                                                                          16 . . 1657 1658 . O

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                                                                                Sentence #14

                                                                                Id Word Lemma Char begin Char end POS NER Normalized NER
                                                                                1 Gillard Gillard 1659 1666 NNP PERSON
                                                                                2 was be 1667 1670 VBD O
                                                                                3 able able 1671 1675 JJ O
                                                                                4 to to 1676 1678 TO O
                                                                                5 form form 1679 1683 VB O
                                                                                6 a a 1684 1685 DT O
                                                                                7 minority minority 1686 1694 NN O
                                                                                8 government government 1695 1705 NN O
                                                                                9 with with 1706 1710 IN O
                                                                                10 the the 1711 1714 DT O
                                                                                11 support support 1715 1722 NN O
                                                                                12 of of 1723 1725 IN O
                                                                                13 a a 1726 1727 DT O
                                                                                14 Green green 1728 1733 NN ORGANIZATION
                                                                                15 MP mp 1734 1736 NN O
                                                                                16 and and 1737 1740 CC O
                                                                                17 three three 1741 1746 CD NUMBER 3.0
                                                                                18 independent independent 1747 1758 JJ O
                                                                                19 MPs mp 1759 1762 NNS O
                                                                                20 . . 1762 1763 . O

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                                                                                      Sentence #15

                                                                                      Id Word Lemma Char begin Char end POS NER Normalized NER
                                                                                      1 On on 1764 1766 IN O
                                                                                      2 26 26 1767 1769 CD DATE 2013-06-26
                                                                                      3 June June 1770 1774 NNP DATE 2013-06-26
                                                                                      4 2013 2013 1775 1779 CD DATE 2013-06-26
                                                                                      5 , , 1779 1780 , O
                                                                                      6 after after 1781 1786 IN O
                                                                                      7 a a 1787 1788 DT O
                                                                                      8 leadership leadership 1789 1799 NN O
                                                                                      9 spill spill 1800 1805 NN O
                                                                                      10 , , 1805 1806 , O
                                                                                      11 Gillard Gillard 1807 1814 NNP PERSON
                                                                                      12 lost lose 1815 1819 VBD O
                                                                                      13 the the 1820 1823 DT O
                                                                                      14 leadership leadership 1824 1834 NN O
                                                                                      15 of of 1835 1837 IN O
                                                                                      16 the the 1838 1841 DT O
                                                                                      17 Labor Labor 1842 1847 NNP ORGANIZATION
                                                                                      18 Party Party 1848 1853 NNP ORGANIZATION
                                                                                      19 to to 1854 1856 TO O
                                                                                      20 Kevin Kevin 1857 1862 NNP PERSON
                                                                                      21 Rudd Rudd 1863 1867 NNP PERSON
                                                                                      22 . . 1867 1868 . O

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                                                                                            Sentence #16

                                                                                            Id Word Lemma Char begin Char end POS NER Normalized NER
                                                                                            1 Her she 1869 1872 PRP$ O
                                                                                            2 resignation resignation 1873 1884 NN O
                                                                                            3 as as 1885 1887 IN O
                                                                                            4 Prime Prime 1888 1893 NNP O
                                                                                            5 Minister Minister 1894 1902 NNP O
                                                                                            6 took take 1903 1907 VBD O
                                                                                            7 effect effect 1908 1914 NN O
                                                                                            8 the the 1915 1918 DT DATE NEXT_IMMEDIATE P1D
                                                                                            9 following follow 1919 1928 VBG DATE NEXT_IMMEDIATE P1D
                                                                                            10 day day 1929 1932 NN DATE NEXT_IMMEDIATE P1D
                                                                                            11 . . 1932 1933 . O

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                                                                                                  Coreference resolution graph