The Binary Independence Model (BIM)
we present in this section is the model that has
traditionally been used with the PRP.
It introduces some simple assumptions, which make estimating the probability function practical.
Here, ``binary''
is equivalent to Boolean: documents and queries are both represented as binary term incidence vectors.
That is, a document
is represented by the vector
if term
is present in document
is not present in
With this representation, many possible documents have
the same vector representation.
Similarly, we represent
by the incidence vector
(the distinction between
is less central since commonly
is in the form of a set of words). ``Independence'' means that
terms are modeled as occurring in documents
independently. The model recognizes no association between
terms. This assumption is far from correct, but it nevertheless often gives satisfactory results in practice; it is the ``naive'' assumption of Naive Bayes models, discussed further in Section 13.4 (page
). Indeed, the Binary Independence Model is exactly the same as the multivariate Bernoulli Naive Bayes model presented in Section 13.3 (page
). In a sense this assumption is equivalent to an assumption of the vector space model, where each term is a dimension that is orthogonal to all other terms.
We will first present a model which assumes that the user has a single step information need. As discussed in Chapter 9 , seeing a range of results might let the user refine their information need. Fortunately, as mentioned there, it is straightforward to extend the Binary Independence Model so as to provide a framework for relevance feedback, and we present this model in Section 11.3.4 .
To make a probabilistic retrieval strategy precise, we need to estimate how terms in documents contribute to relevance, specifically, we wish to know how term frequency, document frequency, document length, and other statistics that we can compute influence judgments about document relevance, and how they can be reasonably combined to estimate the probability of document relevance. We then order documents by decreasing estimated probability of relevance.
We assume here that the relevance of each document is independent of the relevance of other documents. As we noted in Section 8.5.1 (page ), this is incorrect: the assumption is especially harmful in practice if it allows a system to return duplicate or near duplicate documents. Under the BIM, we model the probability
that a document is relevant via the probability in terms of term incidence vectors
Then, using Bayes rule, we have:
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